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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Organizing Your Craft Space


Now that you have hopefully decided your zones. you need gather, sort and purge everything that you have. This may be a large project or a small project depending how much you have. It may take one day or several, but getting the job done will be very rewarding!

All you need is some large plastic or paper bags. You can also use boxes if you have them. 

The idea is to create your zones by gathering everything related to that zone. For example, place all your ink pads and reinkers in one box or bag. All your pens and markers in another. Place all your glitter together. You get the idea. Group things together that you think belong together.

It will not take all that long to do this. Gradually you are going to start organizing your space.

You can do this by each item, going through the space looking for those specific items. Or you can do what I did and tear the place apart. I simply went through everything and piled it all in the center of the room in boxes. again, how you handle this part is up to you. A little bit at a time or all at once. 

If you are like me, you are going to find some surprises! First, I found that I had some duplicates of some tools and products. I also found out that I had thongs that I forgot all about. 

You are now one step further into getting your space finally organized.

Time to walk away till the next day !